Top 10 10 Different Good Reasons To Play A Self-Caster in PoE

Note that mentioning skills that can only be played as self-cast doesn’t count. This is about comparing the totem, mine, trap and trigger versions of skills that can do one or more of those things with straight-up casting them directly. And making a convincing case for why the self-cast option is better. You can make situational cases, if desired, such as ‘it’s better on single targets’ or ‘it’s better for map clear’ or ‘it’s lends itself to MFing more. I’d really love to be convinced that going self-cast isn’t the sub-optimal choice in PoE nowadays. Do you want to poe buy items? If you do, you can visit U4GM to have more guides and methods about this.

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1. Can leech

2. Easier access to cast speed scaling for better clearspeed (mines/traps can be somewhat slow and limited, totems inheritely have reduced cast speed + placement speed)

3. Can proc heralds and other on hit modifiers, mapping is a lot smoother and more enjoyable with heralds. Especially with MTX. This only applies to traps/mines though. Totems can proc on hit affects.

4. Spell echo/cascade is a thing

5. Don’t have to worry about mines/totems/traps being killed (mainly directed at totems)

6. More control. Some people don’t like the unreliability of mines and totems at times. Especially when it comes to capturing beasts this league.

7. More reliable and consistent dps. Traps are very inconsistent due to cooldowns. mines can be unreliable with their targeting, totems die very easily and also may have targeting issues

8. Reflect rares are gone so random reflect one shots aren’t a problem like they were in the past for direct damage builds compared to traps/mines/totems

9. Saves a support gem in your skill setup (remote mine, spell totem, … whatever the trap one is)

10. Storm call spell cascade 1 fps meme builds. Entertaining to watch. I’m the only person who actually gave a list instead of bitching it seems. Obviously my answers aren’t concrete proof that self casting is better. In many situations it’s not. And I disagree with like half my points. But I tried my best to complete your challenge for the sake of completing the challenge. I would like my reward thanks.

If you use totems or traps, they will aim the first bounce at the monsters feet. For optimal damage, you want to aim at your own feet, and make sure the monster is hit by the 4th or 5th bounce.
