Summer Music Festival – more returns!

Neverwinter adventurer, Summer Festival event ends next Wednesday, September 18th, 2013! But that does not mean you can not enjoy the festivities during this period. In fact, we introduce a new project, the hero of the feast, and double petals return until the event ends! Be sure not to miss these exciting change events.

You’ve been eyeing the pig partner, but still lacks Fireblossom petals? Do not worry! Starting today, we must redouble our petals bonus, you can earn the festival grounds. This means killing trolls and kobolds, flowers, chasing a pig will win more petals trending Sunit fashion items and other incentives.

You’ve been on your summer supply professional? If not, it is not too late! Keep an eye feast rare hero professional tasks, you can create this tasty items to give you useful lover, your next dungeon delving. If your party needs a breather, or cure, while hunting, calling the project and your party will be quicker to restore health, rather than a portable altar!