GGG Has Released A New Video For Path Of Exile

GGG has released a new video of Path of Exile to show some of the graphic changes they are working on. Do not give yourself any illusions because we still do not know the date in which we will see in the game these graphic improvements. The important thing is to know that the developers are still giving him reed and do not give up when it comes to making the MMOARPG look better and better. The goal now is to make it look better and that performance is not adversely affected.

The video is short, but it paints very well. You can see it below:

Finally, remember that the next season of Path of Exile on PC will begin next March 3 (in Europe). The Xbox One version will start its new league soon after, although there are no specific dates. The gamers can buy Path of Exile orbs from the online gaming house to arrange the necessary things to personalize the players and teams.