Explore the lore of Neverwinter in two new trailers

Neverwinter screenshot

Dungeons and Dragons fans who have long wished to see the the lands of that lore come to life are eagerly awaiting the release of Neverwinter, the upcoming MMO set in the Sword Coast and focusing on the Jewel of the North, the city of Neverwinter. Although fans will have to wait until the end of the year to play, they can get a glimpse of the game in two trailers just released by Perfect World Entertainment and Cryptic Studios.

The first video offers lore of the Vellosk peaks, sharing how area has fallen to shadow and one barbarian clan caught the attention of powerful warlords. The second clip is part two of the three-part “The Siege of Neverwinter” trailer series; where part one was truly a tease at under three-quarters or a minute, this next part shows more action, following a story of vengeance amid battle scenes.

The first one is generic: insert army of evil here against good guys there. Second one has some context, though with how deep D&D goes, it would be nice to get even more story before the ass kicking and guitar rifts start up.

Check out both clips after the break.