FFXIV Event On Annual Summer: Attractive Items And Equipments

Concerning the next Final Fantasy XIV event, it can be said that it is coming. According to Square Enix, the Moonfire Faire, will return next week, on August 8. Like previous years, the FFXIV event gives players a chance to snag some exclusive summer-themed gear, for this time event, this following are equipments and items that we will be able to obtain. Further information and tips, see more at here.

Final Fantasy XIV

Faire Zori (boots)
Faire Joi (body armor)
Faire Kohakama (leg armor)
Moonfire Faire (wall-mounted item)
Evercold Shaved Ice (tabletop item)
Hyper Rainbow Z (Orchestrion roll)

In a hot summer, MMORPGs are scrambling to provide events to celebrate the season. Final Fantasy XIV just jumped on that bandwagon, by bringing the traditional Moonfire Faire event.

The first is a summery outfit, the Faire set, which is basically a rehashed Shisui set, buy enabled for dying, allowing you to pick whatever color you like. On top of that, we’ll get an “Evercold Shaved Ice” furniture item that distributes shaved ice snacks, a Moonfire Faire painting and an orchestrion roll with the glorious Hyper Rainbow Z music from last year’s event.

Players will also have a chance to purchase some items from previous Moonfire Faires at the festival’s different vendors. Nevertheless, be sure to visit safe and credible website such as FFXIV4GIL, you have opportunity to buy cheap Final Fantasy XIV Gil and FFXIV Power Leveling.