Do You Want To Have To Choose Between Standard and Temp Leagues in PoE?

As an experienced player, I like to explore all the game has to offer when I play. That means I like to have my uber lab done on all of my characters, a mostly completed atlas, access to guardians, shaper, uber elder, leveled masters when I want some crafting done, and eventually set a nice elder ring on my atlas or use sextants, whatever makes my map sustain not feel clunky. I like to do all of these by myself as much as I can.

Elder ring and masters is the real bullshit here. Other things are minor annoyances imo but levelling masters to 8 every 3 months (rip your life if breach is zana 8 in a league again) and the stupid elder ring that massively increases profits is just antifun.

poe elder

The points I’m trying to make are:
1. It’s not fun to manipulate elder influence. Elder ring “mechanic” is very rewarding, and very unfun (probably subject to nerf too but that’s another story).

2. It’s just not fun at all to get masters to 8. In any league. It’s rewarding, but it’s not fun.

3. It’s not fun to be less efficient than you were the league before. It’s a bad feeling when you could run maps smoothly but cant sustain them. It’s not fun when your build can do all content but you don’t have access to that content.

4. It’s exciting to get your uber trials one by one. It is not exciting to get your 12th burning rage when you are missing your last trial.

5. It’s very exciting to do uber elder. There is nothing more frustrating on earth than spawning t15 elder. This is not a fun mechanic at all. It just highlights all the bad aspects of rng at once, the atlas map drops rng, the shaper/elder influence rng, the elder spawn rng.

I don’t want to have to choose between standard and temp leagues. Why can’t we have the fun aspects of both instead?
