Albion Online: PvP Was Improved And More New Major Update

Currently, Albion Online is in the final phase of beta, we can clearly know that it will remain until well into 2017, at the same time, thanks to Sandbox Interactive, in recent weeks, it launched a poll on the official forums to figure out what is the state of the game for its users, for instance, for its title, it’s the most popular, followed by, it need futher work. In order to meet players requires, it’s worth delighting that cheap albion online gold for sale.


Well, the results of the survey are now available to all and highlight some interesting results. First the PvP is currently by far the most popular activity in the game, followed by the PvE. The most important part of the survey, however, resided in the question of which sector of the game must be improved.

To this question the players have responded mostly indicating PvE, still too incomplete for meaningful and entertaining. Besides it is also required improvements to the management of the guilds, contracts of carriage and the PvP system. Be reminded of you about albion silver for sale.

The developers have promised that these demands will be heard: during the final beta PvE will be made more robust and compelling change the current dungeon system and the functioning of the enemy camps.

In addition to this, it’s said to that the sofeware company has just announced Faye, regarding the next major update, it’s about to arrive on November 23 Albion Online. For this update, not only introduce the biome of the forest, but also will inlcluded a number of features so as to improve overall gameplay, to name a few, emotes, persistent mount, ambient music, the winter season as well as the Royal GvR, in order to protect the town from outlaws and a new chat channel for the looking for Group. More cheap coins for sale like cheapest albion silver,don’t miss buy it.