The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind Analysis Post

The Elder Scrolls Online (TESO) is still not translated into Spanish, neither in texts nor in subtitles. We do not need to add more fuel to that inflammable matter, it is critical to look wherever you look. But by accepting it or for those who do not care, with Morrowind comes what we can already qualify as its most consistent extension / renewal to date, additional independent content – can be purchased as a gateway to TESO – to the crucial end that reformulates Some of the apexes that have marked the Bethesda MMORPG and Zenimax since its inception, so disrupted and originally with monthly installments, which today has been revitalized with good decisions and a very faithful community, both on PS4 and on Xbox and PC, especially . Pete Hines did not exaggerate when he explained that the return to Morrowind is more than a new story in a remade and vast environment: the return to Morrowind 15 years after the masterful roleplaying game TES III marked a generation generates in many points a New way of understanding TESO.

Now, it is not as extensive in hours and content as the expansions of other MMOs used to. And there is World of Warcraft, as the main competitor, with a way of understanding the expansions much more massive and massive, also with more distance between one and another expansions. Morrowind for TESO means the arrival of some new modes, tools and, above all, a new adventure and stories of about 30 hours in a region like Vvanderfell, 700 years before we live in the original game and full of Fan service, therefore, so that the player of the Morrowind of 2002 perfectly recognizes every corner, legend and wink of this arid world, rugged and full of mushrooms and giant mushrooms. This parade of references to the original TES III begins in the first minutes of travel, with a renewed landing in Seydan Neen that remembers in all to the initial of 2002, but it can not be said that there is recycling, as many thought, but rather there are Inspirations and resizing. The plot leaves no punches, maintains the mature and political tone that is expected of it, and has enough characters and turns to become intense and interesting, with great combats against monsters of all kinds.

But friends, in most things this is a very classic MMO, and a TES in its most primitive format. Soon they appear in the quesadero missions of collecting items or killing 10 X creatures. Neither flat characters who ask for help, chat, and shoot your map the location of your task, no more. It is something that the saga The Elder Scrolls, in fact, must work in next major deliveries, like TES VI, give to everything a more visual format, deeper in backgrounds and emotions. Here there are no cinematic that delve into epic moments or what some characters feel, but it always pulls the conversation and consequent resolution of the commission, again and again. And the dialogues are very well written, draw a narrative of political intrigues and legends that overload this universe with fantasy. But I think, to this day and in 2017, it is not enough for a genre rolero with exponents like The Witcher III marking the way. That TESO is massive multiplayer is not an excuse to not endow it with better treatment and general presentation. And Morrowind is not the expansion that changes that.

If I go further, then there is also the carelessness in tone and message coherence. The NPCs with orders make you feel in their dialogues the hero, the savior of the region, and the new legend of the lands of Vvanderfell. When you finish talking and you start, you turn and you see that there are zorrocientos “heroes of legend” more scrounging the map or talking with the same personage, all with their nicks on the head, and with which you will even have to approach you And go in company to gain advantage in the face of the most demanding adversities and new cooperative dungeons.

This is inexorable for MMORPGs, okay, but maybe storytellers should start looking for stories based on this shared universe nature. I will explain it better with a practical example: Lately I have recovered with great force Destiny, another MMO in its own way and instantiated, and I realize how Bungie always makes his characters with orders in this shooter speak in plural, to some guardians that we are All the players that must save the galaxy, without this disconnection between the individualistic approach, and the mass of players you see when you turn around. Well in Morrowind for TESO could have started to play with that, as did also quite better Star Wars: The Old Republic, for example.

Something that I applaud of this expansion is that Bethesda has turned quite a lot with those who prefer to play it alone, without joining anyone in their incursions and as if we were talking about a traditional Elder Scrolls, practically, that also does not need the main game in This chapter, as we said before. To make things easier, the good idea that the One Tamriel update introduced is where you no longer need a certain level to move anywhere on the map, or to join players of more level and skill, which makes it easier to connect and Explore with friends, etc. And a good way to go through all this is with the new class, the Warden, which has not ended up having as much specific identity or specialization as other classes, but which is the most balanced and adjusted of all in attributes and skills, characterized by Animal invocation that, like the Summoner, can ally with bears for more distributed and aggressive attacks, never give them direct orders.

Even with his possibilities, he remains in a class very focused on the technical combat, in the correct one, that does not present as deep strategies or possibilities as his conception suggests to me. Let’s say that this Warden is the classic warrior with option of invocation, that fights with perfection and without risks, defending when it touches, curing with elementary powers slow, but that is not too original or creative in its performances. It is in the end a flat class, medium categorization, with all its attributes practically the same level, and without too many unique characteristics. This makes it less attractive to those looking for cool gameplay, but ideal for those who do not want too much risk or lose anything, because almost everything of the other classes will prove the Warden.

Just as it did Skyrim with one of its expansions, the construction and decoration of houses finally comes to TESO, something that many players demanded and that is one of the important changes that brings Morrowind to the base MMORPG. There are many items and possibilities that have now been launched at the beginning for the personalization of housing or business, and more than surely they will arrive, also in clear constructive harmony with what we could see in Fallout 4 and its surviving civilian camps. There are also minor additions but they give TESO more packaging and, above all, duration, like battle rooms against bosses of the world or new challenges for equipment and raids, which in the end suppose a few tens of hours more Game if you want to thoroughly explore everything thoroughly. Notwithstanding, as I said at the outset, in terms of pure content, it is not perceived as an expansion of those who have made history in this format of games.

And in addition to all this, a final content that Morrowind adds to TESO is Battlegrounds mode, small, closed direct combat sands where 12 players face each other in a triangle of three teams of four heroes each. To make combat intense, Bethesda has incorporated modes like Capture the Flag or Domination, so fights are inevitably very dynamic. Of course, to enter here it is necessary to go armed with good equipment, as the character statistics are maintained and the matchmaking does not filter too much when it comes to placing low-level rookies with burly characters from super advanced players. If Bethesda takes good care of all this pairing by level, gives some more ways to this mode, and updates it with new maps and rules, Battlegrounds may even be preferred over the massive wars of Cyrodiil.

However, it is a good time to re-test the health of The Elder Scrolls Online, today one of the referents of the MMORPG despite the cost that it had in its beginnings. Morrowind is a fan service but it is also a gateway to anyone who, yes, is willing to forgive Bethesda Zenimax that the game still does not translate into Spanish despite the amount of text and stories it handles. Graphically it does not stop to be perfected, very little by little, and this revitalizing expansion has also served to touch technical elements like some sound effects, the draw distance or the finish of the water. It is noteworthy that its managers are completely overturned with the brand and, in general, things have been done well to make it a palatable content, especially for those who have not yet entered TESO but played TES III: Morrowind in its day.

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