Neverwinter details pour in from China

Neverwinter pictures pour in from China

Our eyes are on the bounty of the Forgotten Realms, and our fingers are itching to get a hold of Cryptic’s Neverwinter come next year. Today we are able to broaden our insight into the game with a series of screenshots that reveal most of the game’s races and classes — at least as they’re coming along in the Chinese export of the game.

The screenshots show the title screen, the map of the world (with helpful English subtitles), and several of the character selection screens. We’re able to see four Neverwinter’s five classes (Devoted Cleric, Guardian Fighter, Trickster Rogue, and Control Wizard) as well as the game’s seven races (Human, Half-Elf, Tiefling, Dwarf, Drow, Elf, and Halfling). So far, Cryptic’s only publicly announced the Control Wizard and Guardian Fighter classes.

Head over to MMO Culture to check them out and then let us know what you’re planning to roll!

There was a board game put out by TSR called “Dungeon” with the Races-as-Classes thing where I think most misconceptions come from. it made things simplified for the purpose of picking your piece/character to use in the boardgame.